sabato 1 gennaio 2022

What’s in a Name 2022

Sfida ospitata da "carolina book nook"

La sfida va dal 1° gennaio al 31 dicembre 2021. Si tratta di leggere sei libri, uno per ogni categoria:

1. Compound word -- A compound word is one that is composed of two or more words that express a single idea and that function as a single word. They words can be together, separated by a space, or separated by a dash (cheeseburger, waterproof, red-hot, school bus). For this challenge it just makes sense to allow titles that are made from two words together even if they aren’t “real” words, like Inkspell, Nevernight, etc). For example: Fangirl - Watership Down - Penpal - The Breakdown

2. Speed -- That’s any description of speed (fast, slow, quick, swift, etc).

3. Person and their description -- It’s a person (queen, man, sister, husband, artist, etc) and a word that directly describes them in the same title. Singular or plural. For example: The Silent Patient - The Good People - My Dark Vanessa - Pretty Girls - The Lost Man

4. Mythical being -- For example: The Lady and the Unicorn - Floating Dragon - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - The Mermaid Chair - Interview with the Vampire

5. Season -- That would be one of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter), the word “season,” or perhaps a season I don’t know about in another part of the world or a holiday season. For example: A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Winter Garden - The Fifth Season

6. Color -- Any color at all, including if it’s also a plant or food (red, green, burgundy, fuschia, lavender, etc.) For example: Red Sparrow - The Priory of the Orange Tree - The Mystery at Lilac Inn


Libri letti:

1. compound word --> Crossroads (Jonathan Franzen)

3. person and their description --> The sugar queen (Sarah Addison Allen)

completata il 16 dicembre.

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