domenica 31 dicembre 2017

Popsugar reading challenge 2018

Anche quest'anno mi segno i punti della Popsugar challenge. Come le due precedenti edizioni, non credo la completerò, ma ci sono suggerimenti interessanti.

- a book made into a movie you've already seen --> Assassinio sull'Orient Express (Agatha Christie)
- true crime
- the next book in a series you started -->Jane e il mistero del reverendo (Stephanie Barron)
- a book involving a heist
- nordic noir
- a novel based on a real person --> A spasso con Bob (James Bowen)
- a book set in a country that fascinates you
- a book with a time of day in the title
- a book about a villain or antiehero --> Il treno d'Istanbul (Graham Greene)
- a book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym --> La mia Africa (Karen Blixen/Isak Dinesen)
- a book with an LGBTQ+ protagonist
- a book that is also a stage play or musical
- a book by an author of a different ethnicity than you --> L'ultimo lenzuolo bianco (Farhad Bitani)
- a book about feminism
- a book about mental health
- a book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift --> Zo' (Antonio Ferrara)
- a book by two authors
- a book about or involving a sport
- a book by a local author --> 
- a book with your favourite color in the title
- a book with alliteration in the title--> Cave canem (Danila Comastri Montanari)
- a book about time travel
- a book with a weather element in the title --> vento dell'est (M. M. Kaye)
- a book set at sea --> vetro (Giuseppe Furno)
- a book with an animal in the title --> cuore di cane (Bulgakov)
- a book set on a different planet
- a book with song lyrics in the title
- a book about or set on Halloween
- a book with characters who are twins
- a book mentioned in another book
- a book from a celebrity book club --> Grandi speranze (Charles Dickens)
- a childhood classic you've never read --> Cuore (De Amicis)
- a book that's published in 2018 --> Il tatuatore di Auschwitz (Heather Morris)
- a past Goodreads Choice Awards winner --> The help (Kathryn Stockett)
- a book set in the decade you were born --> Momo (Michael Ende)
- a book you meant to read in 2017 but didn't get to
- a book with an ugly cover
- a book that involves a bookstore or library
- your favourite prompt from the 2015, 2016 or 2017 Popsugar reading challenges --> a book with a cat on the cover --> Haunted is always in fashion (Rose Pressey)

- a bestseller from the year you graduated high school
- a cyberpunk book
- a book that was being read by a stranger in a public place
- a book tied to your ancestry --> Uno sterminio di stelle (Loriano Macchiavelli)
- a book with fruit or vegetable in the title --> Il rosso vivo del rabarbaro (Audur Ava Olafsdottir)
- an allegory
- a book by an author with the same first or last name as you
- a book about a problem facing society today --> le vedove del giovedì (Claudia Pineiro)
- a book recommended by someone else taking the popsugar reading challenge --> Dentro l'acqua (Paula Hawkins)

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