domenica 31 dicembre 2023

2024 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge

Sfida ospitata da Kim e Tanya (ex girlxoxo) nel nuovo sito di chapter adventure.

Va dal 1° gennaio al 31 dicembre 2024.

Read a book each month with one (or more) of the key words in the title. Variations of key words are allow. For example: Drown, Drowning, Drowned are all okay for the key word ‘drown’.


JAN– Secret, Heaven, True, House, Come, Only, Know, Winter⁠ ⁠

FEB– Heir, Night, Bride, Down, Women, Hand, Teach, Guest⁠

MAR– Story, Hunt, Plot, City, You, Cry, Another, Paint⁠

APR– Darling, Funny, Familiar, Somewhere, List, Meet, Never, Word⁠ ⁠

MAY– Library, Dark, Drown, Ex, Iron, Done, Love, Stranger⁠ ⁠

JUN– Ink, Fragile, Road, Summer, Breath, Every, Push, Sorry⁠ ⁠

JUL– Mine, Again, Honey, Paradise, Still, Club, Train, Legend⁠ ⁠

AUG– School, Cut, Sky, Fate, Wing, Belong, Justice, Way⁠ ⁠

SEP– Twice, World, Man, Quiet, Sweet, Hold, Shallow, Invisible⁠ ⁠

OCT– Vampire, Here, Mist, Death, One, Missing, Bite, Witch⁠

NOV– Spice, Life, Hello, Keep, Truly, Couple, Joy, Young⁠ ⁠

DEC– Snow, Season, Ice, Merry, White, Under, Mistletoe, Inn⁠


Libri letti:

Sfida completata 18 dicembre 2024.

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