giovedì 19 dicembre 2019

2020 What An Animal Reading Challenge

Sfida ospitata da Socrate's book reviews
The challenge will begin on January 1, 2020 and end on December 31, 2020. 
The rules are really simple. I am changing it up a little bit, on... 

- Any book read for this challenge has to have an animal that plays a major role in the book (which could be fiction or non-fiction.) It also counts if a main character is (or turns into) an animal (define that however you'd like). In the past, books would qualify if an animal is in the title or on the cover, but that alone no longer qualifies. This challenge is for books related to animals and just because they are in the title or on the cover, doesn't mean it's about an animal. 

These are the levels. 
Level 1 - Read 6 books 
Level 2 - Read 7-12 
Level 3 - Read 13-20 
Level 4 - Read 21 or more 

The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious) - dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark... dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, werewolf... you get the idea... 

Books can be fiction or nonfiction.


Libri letti:
  1. Assassinio à la carte (Brigitte Glaser) --> rat
  2. Scarlet (Marissa Meyer) --> wolf
  3. Il gatto che leggeva Shakespeare (Lilian Jackson Braun)--> cat
  4. La casa dei bambini speciali di Miss Peregrine --> falco
  5. L'iguana (Anna Maria Ortese)
  6. Jane e lo spirito del male (Stephanie Barron) --> horses

Level 1 (6 books) completed on 25th of April.

7. Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (J.K.Rowling) --> gufi, gatto, topo, rospo, unicorni, drago, centauri, cane a tre teste,...
8. Sette lettere, un destino (J.P. Monninger) --> cane
9. Il gatto che annusava la colla (Lilian Jackson Braun) --> gatti 
10. Aria di neve (Serena Venditto) --> gatto
12. Pippi calzelunghe (Astrid Lindgren) --> cavallo, scimmietta

Level 2 (12 books) completed on 21st of November

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