giovedì 29 dicembre 2022

2023 Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge

Sfida ospitata da girlxoxo.

This is a monthly challenge that runs all year long from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

Eight “key words” are given for each month. Your task is to read 1 book that includes one or more of the key words in the title that month.

Synonyms and different suffixes are allowed. For example, if the keyword is ‘Lake’ you may also use the words ‘Lakes’, ‘Water’, ‘Sea’, ‘Ocean’. If the keyword is ‘Run’ you may also use the words ‘Running’, ‘Ran’, ‘Runs’.


JAN - Crown, Girl, Whisper, Black, Heart, Guide, All, Ever
FEB - Please, Might, Return, Shy, Vanish, Book, Ash, Come
MAR - Crimson, Beyond, Friend, Cry, Wait, Six, Run, Woods
APR - Vicious, Ask, Wind, Found, Circle, Broken, Beneath, Drown
MAY - Dragon, Day, Chain, Another, Thousand, Begin, Stolen, And
JUN - Bridge, Everything, Blue, Why, First, Wild, Luck, Tomorrow
JUL - Final, Clock, This, Way, Poison, Summer, Future, Kiss
AUG - Dangerous, Again, Best, Chase, How, Flower, Date, Together
SEP - Sign, With, Just, Lies, Grace, Enough, Sleep, Name
OCT - Old, After, Take, Shadow, Monster, Haunt, Darkness, Of
NOV - Paris, Hidden, Sparrow, Realm, Two, Fair, Street, Say
DEC - Silver, Wish, Forgotten, Dance, Also, My, Fate, Dream


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