mercoledì 30 dicembre 2020

2021 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

Ci riprovo anche quest'anno, solo con la sfida base. Non ho una vera TBR (lista di libri da leggere), quindi la parte advanced la salto a piedi pari. Ammetto che quest'anno le categorie mi sembrano molto sbilanciate, ma pazienza, vediamo comunque come va...


A book that's published in 2021 --> Un tè a Chaverton House (Alessia Gazzola)

A book that has a heart, diamond, club, or spade on the cover --> Il giocatore (Fedor Dostoevskij)

A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign --> Angeli e demoni (Dan Brown)

A book with a gem, mineral, or rock in the title --> Oro veneziano (Maria Luisa Minarelli)

A book where the main character works at your current or dream job --> E dal cielo caddero tre mele (Narine Abgarjan) --> lavoro di bibliotecaria

A book that has won the Women's Prize For Fiction --> Peccati gloriosi (Lisa McInerney)

A book with a family tree --> L'estate dei segreti perduti (Emily Lockhart)

A book about forgetting --> Una coperta di neve (Enrico Camanni)

A book you have seen on someone's bookshelf (in real life, on a Zoom call, in a TV show, etc.) --> I delitti della medusa (Giulio Leoni)

A locked-room mystery --> Dieci piccoli indiani (Agatha Christie)

A book with a black-and-white cover --> La pista (Anne Holt)

A book by an Indigenous author --> Non qui, non altrove (Tommy Orange)

A book that has the same title as a song --> Il mio amico Gesù (Lars Husum)

A book about a subject you are passionate about--> Il manuale dell'uncinetto (Gaia Segattini)

A book that discusses body positivity --> Curare il diabete senza farmaci (Neal D. Barnard)

A book found on a Black Lives Matter reading list --> Ragazza, donna, altro (Bernardine Evaristo)

A book set mostly or entirely outdoors --> Il giardino dalle mille voci (Ewald Arenz)

A book with something broken on the cover --> Sotto la città (Arnaldur Indridason)

A book by a Muslim British author --> Io sono Malala (Malala Yousafzai)

A book that was published anonymously --> Ali e Nino (Kurban Said)

A book with an oxymoron in the title --> Urla nel silenzio (Angela Marsons)

A book about do-overs or fresh starts --> La fattoria delle magre consolazioni (Stella Gibbons)

A book set in multiple countries --> Il colore trasparente della notte (Pam Jenoff)

A book set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021 --> Le voci del faro (Laura Ferrari) -->Malta

A book by a blogger, vlogger, YouTube video creator, or other online personality 

A book whose title starts with "Q," "X," or "Z" --> Zorba il greco (Nikos Kazantzakis)

A book featuring three generations (grandparent, parent, child) --> La famiglia Karnowski (I. J. Singer)

A book about a social justice issue --> La notte delle beghine (Aline Kiner)

A book in a different format than what you normally read (audiobooks, ebooks, graphic novels) --> Batman: anno uno (Miller, Mazzucchelli, Lewis)

A book that has fewer than 1,000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads --> Red dog (Louis de Bernières)

A book you think your best friend would like --> Il libro dei nomi perduti (Kristin Harmel)

A book about art or an artist --> Blu come la notte (Simone van der Vlugt)

A book everyone seems to have read but you --> 1984 (George Orwell)

Your favourite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge --> (cat on the cover) Il gatto che volle andare sottoterra (Lilian Jackson Braun)


The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list --> Nove perfetti sconosciuti (Liane Moriarty)

The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list --> Pomeriggio di uno scrittore (Peter Handke)

The book on your TBR list with the prettiest cover --> Brevemente risplendiamo sulla terra (Ocean Vuong)

The book on your TBR list with the ugliest cover --> La città nella neve (Beka Kurkhuli)

The book that's been on your TBR list for the longest amount of time --> Il duca e io (Julia Quinn)

A book from your TBR list you meant to read last year but didn't --> Percy Jackson e gli Dei dell'Olimpo 1. Il ladro di fulmini (Rick Riordan)

A book from your TBR list you associate with a favourite person, place, or thing --> Heidi (Johanna Spyri)

A book from your TBR list chosen at random--> Come se mangiassi pietre (Wojciech Tochman)

A DNF book from your TBR list

A free book from your TBR list (gifted, borrowed, library) --> Bottigliette (Sophie van Llewyn)

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